Meeting the Challenge in a Magic Mobility Wheelchair | Magic Mobility


Meeting the Challenge in a Magic Mobility Wheelchair

Rob put himself and his wheelchair to the test

Since his accident in 2013, Rob has had to come to terms with life as a tetraplegic. A former Rugby player and active outdoorsman, Rob is a driven young man with his life ahead of him. He lets nothing slow him down. That’s why the arrival of his Extreme X8 powered wheelchair in 2015 has meant the world to him – and ensured that he could complete the hard-core obstacle race Tough Mudder not once, but twice!

Rob Camm completing the Tough Mudder challenge in his Extreme X8 power wheelchair

His Extreme X8 met the exhausting but exhilarating challenge of Tough Mudder with ease. It’s testament to Rob’s spirit and enthusiasm that he galvanized the team to complete the course and overcome all obstacles.

Rob applies the same level dedication to meeting all other challenges in his life, by testing the limits. Not only does he use his Magic Mobility Extreme X8 to go off-road to collect blackberries and bash paths through forests, he uses it to attend university and complete internships.

Rob’s Extreme X8 means that he can actively participate in life’s adventures, whether he’s booking a holiday house on the beach to share with his uni mates or helping set up horse exercise equipment.

“My summer wasn’t all enjoying the sun and beaches of Somerset and Dorset,” he explained. “I have also undertaken some work experience with the legal department of EDF Energy along with a combined placement in the Legal and Compliance Department of Channel 4.”

Have you tried a Magic Mobility powerchair? Maybe it’s time. Click here to try a powerchair in your local area.


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