Jade gets back to the beach in her new XT4 | Magic Mobility


Jade gets back to the beach in her new XT4

Injured in a car accident while working as an Occupational Therapist, Jade’s new XT4 has enabled her dream to hang out on the beach again with her family and friends.

Jade’s Magic Mobility XT4 has enabled her dream to hang out on the beach with her family and friends.

Jade’s new XT4 has enabled her dream to hang out on the beach with her family and friends.

Two years ago, Jade suffered a brain injury in a car accident that left her unable to walk unassisted. Equipped with a Magic 360 Crossover for everyday indoor-outdoor use, Jade also got funding for an extreme off-road powerchair that would be capable of tackling the deep, dry sand on the beach where she spent so much of her time before the accident.

As an existing Magic powerchair user and local direct customer of our Melbourne head office, Jade was lucky enough to receive one of the first Magic XT4‘s off our production line. She was delighted to share her experiences and feelings about getting back onto Venus Bay beach independently, for the very first time since her accident.

“Me and my family, we are beach people, part of the surf lifesaving club. So, it’s been like that my whole life. It’s just really, really important to me.” Jade explained. “Since my accident, I haven’t been able to get on the beach. I would look at the beach from the lookout, and it really did my head in that I couldn’t get down onto the beach anymore.”

“But this time I got on the beach! I just love it so much. OMG that was such an amazing feeling; I’m back on the beach again!”

Jade enjoying a return to the beach on her new Magic Mobility XT4

A beach person all her life, Jade is finally back on the beach again enjoying the activities important to her.

Looking ahead, we asked Jade what other adventures she might be looking forward to in her new XT4. “The possibilities are endless! I’m just really happy that I’m on the beach. I think that’s the main place I wanted to get to. But any other place I would like to go, it’s now easy! It’s really, really good.”

As a recently graduated Occupational Therapist, we asked Jade to reflect on her experiences with the powerchair prescribing process, and what advise she would give to other young OT’s. “I think a really important thing for OT’s is to ask the client what they want. Be really client-centred. Make sure you put the client first, always.”

Finally, we asked Jade about what she would like to say to others who might be striving to get the assistive technology they need in order to do the things they love.

“Just keep fighting. Just keep going,” she says.

It’s great advice, but also a great summary of the positive, can-do attitude that drives Jade and her family, friends and supporters to overcome the challenges arising from the physical and mental impacts of her injuries.

If you’re interested to know more about Jade’s story, you can follow her adventures on Instagram at www.instagram.com/journeyofjade/.

For more information abut the XT4 or other Magic Mobility powerchairs, contact your local Magic Mobility dealer or send us an inquiry explaining your challenge.


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