Building powerchairs in USA and Australia | Magic Mobility


The best of both worlds

Did you know that Magic Mobility chairs combine Australian engineering and design with customised assembly from our USA distributor, Innovation in Motion’s factory in Indiana for their local customers?

At Magic Mobility and Innovation in Motion, we take the build powerchairs for people

It’s an 18+ year match made in heaven because we share so much in common.

Magic Mobility and Innovation in Motion are perfect partners because we both listen to what wheelchair users need, and then deliver perfecctly customised quality assistive technology.

Current world issues have caused many powerchair users to stop and think about the chairs they are investing in. Many are now pausing to consider even more closely where their powerchairs are made, the ease with which they can get new parts and just how robust the chairs might be to handle the every day challenges thrown at them.

Magic Mobility is already well known for its trustworthy and empathetic design. But there’s another reason Magic Mobility is in demand – chairs that are engineered to handle harsh Australian conditions for people who love adventure means they are going to be perfect for many similar environments and users in places like the Canada, NZ, USA and Europe.

At Magic Mobility we continue to control the majority of parts and manufacturing production, working with local suppliers here in Australia and our distributor, Innovation in Motion, in the USA to keep both Australian and Americans employed in manufacturing. And this means that you can trust the provenance.

Innovation in Motion’s USA based factory, putting the finishing touches on to Magic Mobility powerchairs

Together with our network of agents worldwide, we pride ourselves on listening to the voices of users and puzzling out ways to give people what they need from their chair. Need a special tray fitting that tilts because you need a surface to carry vital tools? Not a problem. Think that you really need a change to the footplate to accommodate your changing body requirements? We can help.

Magic Mobility knows that powerchair care doesn’t stop the minute you take receipt of your new chair. Magic Mobility is the only manufacturer in Australia with a direct sales team who is trained to listen and immerse ourselves in what you need. With over 25-years’ experience in helping to shape chairs around the person using them, rather than expecting someone in a chair to change who they are to accommodate the powerchair, Magic Mobility is finely attuned to responding to disability needs.

Our chairs are designed in part by the people who use them every day – and this means the powerchairs are robust, flexible and nimble.

In a time when so many of us are feeling unsure and uncertain, it’s reassuring to know that behind the scenes Magic Mobility and our agent network are looking out for those who use powerchairs.

Have you got any questions for our teams in Australia or USA, or anywhere else? Drop us a note.

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