Crushing the powerchair fitness challenge | Magic Mobility


Crushing the powerchair fitness challenge

Keeping yourself fit while in a powerchair can be a bit of a dilemma.

Rob Camm tackling Tough Mudder in a powerchair

It’s harder to organise yourself, and it can be tough to get the motivation!

So we chatted to Rob Camm from the UK about setting goals for fitness and how the right chair can be the inspiration you might need. Rob Camm is used to setting himself extreme challenges, and he knows how hard it can be to push yourself to exercise.

Rob has completed the extreme endurance challenge of Tough Mudder on more than one occasion, and in 2019 he took on Mt Snowdon in his Magic Mobility Extreme X8.

For Rob the secret is not only his fitness but the fitness of the team who works with him to help him achieve the incredible goals he sets.

Tip 1 – get fit with others, particularly friends, family members and carers

“I felt that I had the required fitness from my previous challenges,” said Rob. “What we needed to work on was how the team would work together to help get the chair up slopes. So training was mainly done together on local mountain bike tracks.”

Tip 2 – set yourself a really audacious goal

“I saw manual wheelchair users working with teams who pushed them up Mt Snowdon in the UK,” said Rob. “I used that as my inspiration, except I wanted to get up there myself in my Extreme X8.”

Tip 3 – just focus on getting started

For Rob getting started, and getting involved in becoming fit, began with simply walking the dog. “I was interested in outdoor pursuits,” he said. “I remember the first Christmas I had at home after my injury when people were going for a walk, and I wasn’t able to join. Getting my Magic Mobility means I am able to join in.”

Rob Camm has wide experience in completing Tough Mudder with his team of supporters

You don’t have to be marathon-ready or a fitness guru – start small with the things that you’re interested in. It might be as a simple as walking the dog or taking a trip around the neighbourhood. Remember, getting outdoors is a really good start!

Do you have any tips for staying fit and active? We’d love to hear them! Drop us a note!

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