Enabling your social life | Magic Mobility


Enabling your social life

Enabled your social life with a Magic Mobility powerchair

Going out with friends and meeting new people is an important part of an active social life. Magic Mobility powerchair users will often talk about how they can lead full, well-rounded social lives with confidence and freedom, thanks to their powerchair.

Going to music festivals in your Magic Mobility powerchair is easy.

Aidan and his friend Tim go to music festivals in their Magic Mobility powerchairs.

Aidan was inspired to get a go-anywhere powerchair after meeting his friend Tim at a music festival. Tim was using a Magic Mobility Extreme X8.

Aidan liked the idea of going off-road in safety and comfort but wanted something smaller and lower to the ground that he could also use indoors.

“My Magic 360 has given me more confidence because it’s very stable and it’s much safer off-road, which means it’s good for outdoor music concerts and festivals. I also go ten pin bowling in my chair, and out for lunch sometimes.”

Aidan likes having a chair that’s narrow enough to go shopping in places like music stores, so he can buy birthday gifts for his friends.

Magic Mobility's Extreme X8 makes going to the bech a breeze.

Jillian with her dog in her Extreme X8.

Jillian is a US Veteran who was stationed at Virginia Beach before her accident.

Apart from allowing her to play with her dog outdoors, Jillian’s Extreme X8 also allows her to spend quality time outdoors with friends and family.

“Going to VA Beach to spend time with my friends is a big event I enjoy doing every summer.”

“Having this X8 chair allows me to go on the sand and near the ocean”.


Mike takes other wheelchair users on the river in is Magic Mobility powerchair.

Mike’s social life includes visiting neighbours and taking other wheelchair users out on the river.

Mike, a Queensland retiree, explains how his Magic Mobility Frontier V6 AT enables him to stay social.

“I want to visit friends in the street, so need to be able to negotiate gutters, kerbs and little steps which lots of houses have that nobody notices unless you’re in a wheelchair!”

It’s no wonder Mike describes his chair as a “life enhancement tool”!

Mike also enjoys going out on his pontoon boat, on which he takes other wheelchair users from his local Sail-ability group out for river excursions.

“I need a chair that enables me to get down and up the walkways to the jetty, which can sometimes be quite steep”.

Are you looking for a powerchair that enables you to partake in social events and activities? Click here to find your local agent and trial our range of powerchairs.


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