Getting a powerchair perfectly right | Magic Mobility


Getting a powerchair perfectly right

Mark Brown has been in Magic Mobility chairs for decades. He chooses Magic Mobility powerchairs for their robust engineering and design. He also considers the fact that the design doesn’t overwhelm the user but complements them. But most importantly he puts himself in charge of the tailor-made aspects of his chair that change his life.

Mark needs a powerchair to have a balanced and successful life. From the time he gets up in the morning till the time he goes to bed, his powerchair is involved in everything he does. He’s been using this incredibly personal piece of equipment for more than a decade.

Mark and his powerchair

Mark expects a great deal from his powerchair

“When you get a wheelchair, you’re changing something fundamental about your life,” explained Mark. “If the new wheelchair doesn’t fit your body and doesn’t fit your needs, it can affect your whole life.”

Mark has had his footplate customised so that he can stretch his legs, without the assistance of a carer and to help him with his circulation. He also had a custom tray added to his powerchair, where he can rest and easily access his phone, meals, paperwork and more for work.

Mark is very clear that tailoring the chair for his needs is a crucial part of improving his daily life.

“This is not just a chair,” explained Mark. “This is an extension of my body.”

“Magic Mobility chairs are not just an assembly of different features. They are cohesively designed objects that look good on their own but don’t take away from the person sitting in the chair.”

Mark worked with the engineering and design team at Magic Mobility to design a tray that suits his personal needs, giving him what he needed to improve his workday.

“What’s most important for me, I think, is being able to get around in the city, get to a meeting, catching the tram through the city, squeeze into tight spaces in cafes, in offices and go just about everywhere that everyone else can go,” said Mark.

To deal with his daily obstacles Magic Mobility closely listened to what Mark said he needed and designed a solution just for him.

“It’s still a world build for able bodied people,” he explained. “I need an all terrain powerchair that meets every challenge. The challenges I currently have and the ones I might have into the future.”

See Mark’s story here:

Do you have a daily challenge that requires an engineered solution? We might be able to help! Get in touch and let us know what kind of solution we can design to allow you to meet your challenges.

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