Introducing Views from the Chair | Magic Mobility


Introducing Views from the Chair

We want to hear your views: Introducing Views from the Chair:

For more than 20 years Magic Mobility has been building wheelchairs that enable users to experience a world that’s not flat. However, we know that we need to do much more to ensure that all wheelchair users can access the right wheelchairs, fully realise their capabilities and live life to the max.

With this goal in mind, we are proud to announce the launch of Views from the Chair – a platform that aims to help therapists, the community, government and funders better understand the views of wheelchair users. It’s a platform to share stories, so everyone can see how having the right wheelchair can allow people with disabilities to live life to the max and fully realise their capabilities to achieve more freedom, adventure, togetherness and personal empowerment.

We realise that this is a big goal, so that’s where you come in.

Views from the Chair is developing a series of video testimonials with wheelchair users, and we’ve set up a Facebook and LinkedIn page to start generating some discussion around the importance of go anywhere, individualised, high-quality assistive technology. A fully featured community website is also in the works, and we are also gathering therapeutic evidence to illustrate to therapists how the ‘right’ wheelchair can help lessen the capability gap and enable users to realise their full potential in terms of endurance, social inclusion, productivity and inclusion.

We hope that you get on board by joining the conversation and sharing your views on our Facebook page, and if you use LinkedIn, we’d love you to follow the Views from the Chair page too. Just go to:

Electronic Newsletter:

Together let’s help ensure that more wheelchair users get the right wheelchair, allowing them to fully realise their capabilities.

Carl Thompson – Views from the Chair Community Networker

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