Is adventure worth the risk? | Magic Mobility


Is adventure worth the risk?

Is adventure worth the risk?With so much medical effort focussed on minimising risks of pain or injury, powerchair users can sometimes feel pressured to avoid the risks of being ‘too adventurous’. But not getting the chance to experience adventure may be the biggest risk of all.

Magic Mobility has always considered powerchairs as prosthetic devices. Something that equips a person to go where they want, do what they want, express who they are and make the most of their lives.

Magic Mobility chairs help people retain their adventurous spirit.

Before developing ALS, risky adventure was always part of Tom’s life.

Whether affected by injury or disease, adventurous spirits need to push themselves and test their limits to feel fulfilled, and to express their true personality. When denied that opportunity, the consequences for mental health could be severe.

Before being afflicted by ALS, Tom had a spirit of adventure, canoeing, mountain biking and trekking in the wild woods of north west America regularly.

Initially equipped with a standard wheelchair, Tom was effectively trapped inside his house all day. Then, thanks to his determined OT, he was able to get Medicare funding for a Frontier V6 AT.

We asked Tom to explain how his life was changed by the ability to get back in the woods and ride the wild trails he’d always loved so much. We think his answer perfectly explains why everyone should have the right to experience adventure in life.

“The emotional difference since taking delivery of the V6 AT has been night and day.

For Tom, the emotional difference since taking delivery of the Magic Mobility V6 AT has been night and day.

Being in the moment rejuvenates Tom’s spirit and soul.

Before I was house ridden, not being able to get outside. It’s really important for your spirit to get out and about. Time spent riding on the trail is time spent away from the disease, and not thinking you’re dying of ALS. You’re engaged in the trail riding; you’re focused on picking a line and keeping up with your friends and just the beauty and the nature around you.

It really is important to your wellbeing that you get out and live… When you’re out beating your way through the back woods you’re totally in the moment and your presence of mind, your awareness of your surroundings is fully rejuvenating for your spirit and your soul. You really feel like you’ve been somewhere, you’ve experienced something. You look back on your day with fondness and you’ve made some great memories. It’s just that you have a sense of accomplishment. So the difference is, you don’t feel like you’re dying, you feel like you’re still living.

If you can have that, you want to sit back, crack a beer and say, “man, I was really awesome today.”

For Tom, adventuring outdoors in his Magic Mobility powerchair makes him feel like he’s living, instead of dying.

For Tom, adventuring outdoors makes him feel like he’s living, instead of dying.

Lots of our users talk about the positive mental impact of their outdoor adventures. We encourage anyone who feels trapped to do whatever they can to justify an all-terrain powerchair as a reasonable and necessary way to improve their mental heath.

Call your local Magic Mobility dealer or send us an enquiry to find out more about getting into a Magic Mobility powerchair.

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