On top of the world with the Extreme X8 | Magic Mobility


On top of the world with the Extreme X8

On top of the world with the Extreme X8

You would think that trekking to a view of Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze in Bavaria, would be off the list for wheelchair users – but not for those in a Magic Mobility Extreme X8. We took to one of the highest countries in the world to demonstrate just how powerful our 4-wheel drive with 14-inch low-pressure knobby tyres really are.

A German wheelchair user association BuB approached Magic Mobility’s Sunrise Medical German team and asked whether they could test the Extreme X8 against the perils of the Zugspitze, and of course the answer was ‘yes’.

Zugspitze is known for its hiking trails and wheelchair users tend to be restricted to the cable car and limited opportunities to really take in the whole scene. The pathway is peppered with draining channels for meltwater, a 30% incline and suspension bridges. Until now it’s been out of reach for the most adventurous of wheelchair users.

Suspension bridges are no problem with the Extreme X8

BuB called for interested wheelchair users to participate and was inundated with interest. The adventurers were all wheelchair users with a zest for discovery and ready to take on the challenge.

Christine, a user living with MS, was beaming as she got a chance to rediscover the mountains she loved so well. Previously a hiker she knew the view that awaited her, and this was the first time she had tackled the challenge in a wheelchair.

“It was so much fun to go mountain hiking after such a long time!” said Christine.

“It was awesome. The Extreme X8 really gives people with disabilities back a slice of freedom and truly delivers on its promises.”

Christine leads the hiking group in her Extreme X8

Christine was doubly pleased as this was her first opportunity to lead a hike, as being restricted through her disabilities she often found herself holding her hiking party back. But in the Extreme X8 Christine was leading the charge.





Tackling hills and rough paths is easy with the Magic Mobility Extreme X8

Not to be outdone even the Forestry Team gave the Extreme X8 a trial, expressing how impressed they were with the power of the 4-wheel drive to get through the toughest of terrain.

Tannehutte Forestry team are impressed with the Extreme X8

Now that we’ve done one of these awesome adventures to the rooftop of the world, we’re keen to do more!

We know that the Extreme X8 is built for the toughest terrain so challenges like the Zugspitze are pretty straightforward. We can trust that the robust Australian design, powerful motors, long life batteries and knobby tyres are the best combination for tackling everything nature can throw at you.

Want to trial it yourself? Get in touch!

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