Preparing your powerchair for winter | Magic Mobility


Preparing your powerchair for winter

Preparing your powerchair for the colder months

Our Frontier V6 AT on the slopes.

As the days become shorter and the temperatures drop, it can be easy to focus only on indoor activities.

But did you know our Magic Mobility off-road powerchairs are designed to help you go further in any condition?

Here are some tips to prepare yourself and your powerchair for the winter months ahead.

Always be prepared!

Avoid a downpour

Thanks to weather radar sites like Australia’s, it’s easy these days to check for incoming storms and avoid the risk of being caught in a downpour. And even after it rains, remember that your wheelchair has electric motors and batteries, and therefore should not be driven through deep puddles, creeks or back-up gutters.

If you and your powerchair do happen to get wet, we recommend drying it as thoroughly as possible with a towel and leaving it to sit in a warm room for 8-12 hours to dry. Make sure you check your joystick operation and brakes before using your powerchair again next time.

Maintain your metal

cleaning your Magic Mobility powerchair

Cleaning is vital to maintaining optimal performance of your powerchair.

If you’re spending time out and about in wet, muddy or even snowy conditions, it’s a good idea to give the metal surfaces of your chair’s base a squirt with a water dispersant like WD40 or Lanotec to create a barrier and protect your chair. These should make it easier to wipe down and minimise the risk of corrosion in hard-to-reach places.

Batteries on charge

Extreme weather conditions can adversely impact your powerchair’s battery life.

Store your chair in a warm, dry environment and always fully charge your batteries overnight.

Keep in mind that charging your powerchair battery for a short period of time, or even over-charging it, can shorten your battery’s life in the long term.

Adjust the pressure

Jamie Wilson enjoying the slopes on his Magic Mobility Extreme X8

Jamie Wilson enjoys joining his sons on the slopes in his Extreme X8.

Optimal tyre pressures differ according to conditions, your powerchair model and the tyres you have fitted on your chair. For example, it’s best to decrease tyre pressure to create a larger surface area if you plan to travel over snow, soft or slippery surfaces.

Your Magic Mobility Powerchair Owner’s Manual lists the ideal pressures for different types of terrains and chairs, so always best to think ahead and get it right before heading out. You can also refer to our tyre pressure recommendations here.

If you’re looking for some winter inspiration, check out the videos in our Wild Ways to Winter Weather feature.

Contact your local agent to arrange a pre-winter overhaul. You can find a list of our Australian and global agents here.

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