Tackling the big problems and the small with your wheelchair


Tackling the big problems and the small with your powerchair

Michael Trost and his Magic Mobility Extreme X8 powerchair

Michael Trost and his Magic Mobility Extreme X8 – back to working his farm again.

Michael Trost lives on 6 acres of rural property, and until recently he was unable to even see all parts of it. As a disabled war veteran, he was restricted to a limited area of his own property because of the limitations of his wheelchair. Michael is not a man to be held back, and he had big dreams. So he changed his wheelchair to a powerchair.

“I am a farmer,” said Michael. “I might be a disabled veteran, but now that I’ve returned, I also wanted to start using my land to farm for hops. My plan is to commercially grow hops for local microbreweries.

“But this was impossible in my old chair. It made every small problem a big one.”

Michael is not only a farmer; he’s keenly attached to the land. He is an avid fly-fisherman, and actively hunted deer and duck. Again, being limited in his old chair he found himself frustrated and challenged.

“Most places are simply not accessible,” said Michael. “It’s difficult to access a lot of business. And simple things like curbing and sidewalks have ingress and egress issues.

Michael received a Magic Mobility Extreme X8 powerchair, and his world completely changed. Suddenly his own farm became accessible again, and his whole worldview opened up. The smallest change was made, in simply changing his chair to a Magic Mobility Extreme X8, and Michael felt he had “dignity, independence and freedom”.

“With my Magic Mobility Extreme X8, I can cover all the uneven terrain,” explained Michael. “this powerchair has given me such amazing freedom. I was able to see parts of the farm I have not been able to access in four years!

“Recently I had 17 guys that I served with in Iraq come to the farm for a reunion. The team worked on projects all over the farm. I was able to maneuver all over the property and participate with my guys!”

Michael most values the 4-wheel drive attribute of his powerchair.

“The wheels work great in fields and rough terrain. Thanks for giving me freedom and independence!”

Have you tried an Extreme X8 yourself, yet? Maybe it’s time. Click here try a powerchair in your local area.

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