The Magic 360 has landed in the USA & Canada | Magic Mobility


The Magic 360 has landed in the USA & Canada

Most wheelchair users in North America may think about Magic Mobility as makers of big, off-road powerchairs like the Extreme X8 and Frontier V6 AT, neither of which is relevant to most users who rely on government or health insurance funding.

The world’s most versatile mid wheel drive powerchair the Magic 360 is finally available in North America

Our Magic 360, possibly the world’s most versatile mid-wheel-drive powerchair, is now available in North America.

Power functions on the Magic 360.

The great news for all our existing and new customers in North America is that the Magic 360 – our smaller, stylish mid-wheel-drive model – is available now and is equally brilliant for use in and around the home as it is outdoors. Like the rest of our range, the Magic 360 is renowned for excellence in power, traction, suspension and durability, and is built for both outdoor and indoor use.

Only 24” wide and 38.7” long when fitted with Urban drive wheels, the Magic 360 is ideal for tight indoor conditions while also fully capable of handling curbs uneven sidewalks, grass or gravel pathways encountered in urban everyday outdoors.

And, still only 26” wide when fitted with low pressure knobby Off-road wheels, the Magic 360 transforms into the world’s narrowest true off-road powerchair, capable of taking users into all but the most extreme of terrains with absolute safety, comfort and confidence.

To find out more, go to the Sunrise Medical website or contact your local Sunrise distributors listed here.

You can also find out more about the Magic 360 range at our website by clicking here.

Look what is coming neXT in 2025

Now just beginning to be rolled out to our dealers across Australia and New Zealand are the XT2 and XT4 – Magic Mobility’s next generation of specialized outdoor powerchairs.

While these won’t become available in the USA or Canada until 2025, we’ve shared the good news now so that you can get excited about what’s coming.

Whilst the XT4 is a new 4×4 powerchair that offers a range of upgraded and new features, rest assured we will continue to sell and support the Extreme X8 for the foreseeable future. Still the most advanced and powerful off-road 4×4 powerchair available in the USA or Canada, the Extreme X8 remains the best way to get off-road and off the map into the great North American outdoors.

You can inquire now about any of our powerchairs by clicking here.

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