The Spirit of Adventure | Magic Mobility


The Spirit of Adventure

Cory Lee pictured in three different urban locations, including indoors, outdoors and testing VR goggles

Cory Lee takes on the world!

Cory Lee is the passionate and exuberant author of the award-winning travel website – Curb Free with Cory Lee.  He recently had a chance to get into a Magic Mobility Extreme X8 and provided a glowing review about its performance.

“Several weeks ago, I was able to explore areas around my home that I never had the ability to roll across before. That is because I was trying out the Magic Mobility Extreme X8,” he explained.

“You know how I like to be “curb free,” well, this chair is just that!”

A close up of the Extreme X8 going up a steep incline

Cory Lee trialled the Extreme X8 in his home and surrounds – and rated it “amazing!”

Cory described the Extreme X8 as “amazing” as it was the same size as his ‘normal’ power wheelchair, easily fitting into his van, home and most importantly through his doorways.

Cory’s experience really shows that it’s possible to have an Extreme X8 as your everyday chair as well as your more adventurous one!

“It is perfect for just about any adventure, as it will roll across the sand, the snow, and up or down curbs!

“It rolls around like a boss,” he said.

Cory also mentioned that the Magic Mobility Extreme X8 was perfect for supporting his body, with the ultimate in suspension giving him control, reassurance and less ‘jiggle’, whilst being able to discover the hidden locations of his own home.

“Because my yard is a bit hilly, I had never been able to roll my chair across the field and to the creek that runs along the trees, so I knew that was the first place I was going on this ride.

Cory Lee and his mum Sandy in a hot air balloon travelling over a desert scene

Take on the world, just like Cory!

It easily handled the hills and the suspension in the tires helped me to control my trunk and neck easier than I had ever experienced.”

“Next, I zoomed down my gravel driveway like nobody’s business.”

Cory is hugely experienced in tackling the biggest and smallest of adventures.

From travelling the globe to exploring his own hometown, Cory is well recognised for his comprehensive accessible travel information and his recommendations on finding the best accessible destinations to stay and play.

The Extreme X8 was the chair that rocked his world.

“Trust me when I say: THIS CHAIR IS AWESOME! I can’t wait to be able to try it across the sand and through the wooded trails,” he said. “It is life-changing for me and I know you will love it, too!”

Did you want to change your life? Maybe it’s time to trial the Extreme X8 from Magic Mobility. Get in touch, and we’ll help set you free.

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