Using a powerchair to take your life back | Magic Mobility


Using a powerchair to take your life back

power wheelchair

John uses his Extreme X8 powered wheelchair to get to his favorite fishing hole

John’s story about his powerchair – “I’m getting out into the woods to fish like I always did.”

John Dean’s favorite fishing pond is deep in the woods of his hometown of Hinesville, Georgia, USA.

It’s a trek to get to it, and known only to the locals. John’s been a keen fisherman all his life. Since he retired injured from the army he’s had plenty more time to get back into the sport.

But the challenge is that John’s previous chair didn’t give him the flexibility he needed in order to make the trip. A keen outdoorsman and a vet of 31 years standing, John found that being restricted to certain areas because of his wheelchair really got to him.

The right wheelchair helped John to improve his mental health.

“I’m a 100% disabled veteran,” explained John. “I love the outdoors, and I love playing my music.” John was finding that the frustration of not being able to do what he needed to do was really affecting his mental health.

“Being in my Magic Mobility Extreme X8 powerchair really helps stop me feeling depressed,” John said. “I am able to go fishing, and have a great time. It gives me my independence, as this vehicle allows me to go and do things on my own. It could help you to take your life back too, because it did for me.”

Have you tried a Magic Mobility powerchair? Maybe it’s time. Click here to try a powerchair in your local area.


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