XT user experiences | Magic Mobility


XT user experiences

Magic Mobility XT user experiences Several wheelchair users and Magic customers agreed to try out the new chairs and be filmed or photographed for our launch videos and marketing materials. Needless to say – they loved it!

Leonie, the off-road adventurer

Magic Mobility's XT4 handles steep inclines

Confident taking the XT4 across steep inclines.

“I’ve had a lot of fun playing with this machine today. It is definitely more comfortable over a lot of the rocks and side-to-side sort of stuff than my own power chair.

And it sits me a little bit higher, so is a little bit more stable in some areas. It’s been a lot of fun and it does all the same things and more, with more comfort.”

“Going on a sideways incline definitely felt a little bit more stable than it does if I go on my X8.

The Magic Mobility XT4 is comfortable over steep, rough and rocky tracks.

Comfortable racing the XT4 over steep, rough and rocky tracks.

I actually went on steeper inclines today than I would ordinarily do, and I do some pretty extreme stuff in my X8! So, you know, I’m not always on all four wheels! But I could definitely go a bit harder today in the XT4. Down and up I went the same, but the XT4 actually feels a little more stable going up because of the suspension.”

It was also Leonie’s first experience using powered leg elevation, which she found to be a very useful feature. Magic Mobility powered legrests are designed for customers who need to sit in the same position for long periods. Leonie is now planning to get a powered legrest fitted to her X8 – which she has lovingly named ‘Franklin’.

Rosie, the active girl around town

We met Rosie because she works part time as a fashion model and film actor. Equipped with a manual wheelchair as her daily drive, Rosie’s progressive condition increasingly limits her independent movement outdoors. That’s why Rosie agreed to work with us and experience how far the XT2 can take you out and about in the world beyond home.

Cruising in the Magic Mobility XT2 in the hills above Melbourne.

Rosie loved her days cruising in the XT2 in the hills above Melbourne.

Rosie rests her back and soaks up the fresh air in the XT2 from Magic Mobility.

Resting and soaking up the fresh air in the XT2.

This was Rosie’s first time driving a Magic Mobility all-terrain capable powered wheelchair. She was absolutely thrilled by her experience over two days spent being filmed and photographed in various picturesque locations in the hills above Melbourne, Australia.

While fatigued at the end of long shoot days travelling in the XT2, Rosie was able to utilise the recline and tilt functions to remain comfortable, and was pleased at the prospect of being free to get out of her home to the office or the gym, and to enjoy seeing so much of the great outdoors.

Reflecting on her novel all-terrain powerchair experiences, Rosie told us, “I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how capable the XT2 is. Even on slippery, wet grass and up steep hills it never missed a beat. I was actually able to access everything I wanted to, for once!”

Quality family time in great outdoors thanks to the XT2 from Magic Mobility.

Rosie aims to get an XT2 to spend more quality time out with her friends and her new husband.

“Plus, I was in the chair all day and the battery was still over half full at the end of the day. Needless to say, I want one!”

And, thanks to Rosie’s other life goals to maintain her fitness at her local gym, and spend quality time with her fitness-focussed, able-bodied new husband taking long walks together or socialising at music events and other outdoor occasions, Rosie stands a good chance of having funding approved to do just that.

Jaimen, the outdoors-loving family man

Jaimen enjoys the beach for the first time in 15 years on the Magic Mobilty XT4

Back on the beach in the XT4 with his family for the first time in 15 years.

As a Magic Mobility brand ambassador who recently bought an Extreme X8, Jaimen was delighted to try out the next generation XT4 on the glorious beaches and parks surrounding his home in stunning Esperance, Western Australia. And as a confident and successful business owner, Jaimen was also happy to share his life story and feelings about his XT4 experience:

“I’m a born and bred Esperance boy. Growing up just like any other kid in Esperance, I lived for the outdoors; you know, surfing, skateboarding, motorbike riding. And, unfortunately, when I was 17, I had a motorbike accident. I broke my neck and that left me paralysed from the armpits down and very uncertain about where my life would end up. And I have been very lucky to end up leading a great life. I operate a business now. We do boat tours diving and fishing around Esperance. I’ve been lucky to have success in aerial photography and videography using my drone, and I think my biggest achievement is managing to find someone that wanted to marry me and have two beautiful little children. That’s basically my life now. We just live for the outdoors as a family, droning and operating the business and just, you know, trying to cherish every day.”

Asked about his day being filmed in the XT4, Jaimen said

“Amazing is the only way I could describe it, to be honest with you. To be on West Beach again. I haven’t been down on West Beach since I was 16 or 17, and I’m 32 now.”

Chasing his son Captain in the XT4 was a highlight of Jaimen’s day.

Chasing his son Captain in the XT4 was a highlight of Jaimen’s day.

“And to be able to play chasey with my son at the water’s edge, have my daughter down there and my wife. I live so close to it, but I haven’t been there in so long. So, the chair’s just given me that freedom again to explore and be there with my family. They often go down there and I’m left at the top, flying my drone or something. But to be down there with them today was really amazing and truly special.”

You only have to look at the shots of Jaimen when he first tried the chair at the beach near his home to see what joy it gave him to regain that previously lost freedom.

You can learn more about the brand new XT family of powerchairs here for XT2 and here for XT4. Or contact us with any queries. Please also view our disclaimer here.

Family time on the beach in the Magic Mobility XT4

Jaimen loved being back together outdoors with his family.

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