Growing with your Powerchair | Magic Mobility


Growing with your Powerchair

Beau enjoying Halloween in his Magic Mobility powerchair

Beau trick or treating as a rodeo rider.

Boys will be boys

For children and youths with limited mobility, personal independence is as much about growing in confidence as anything else. Having the right powerchair to enable that confidence is therefore key to positive personal growth.

Beau lives with his parents and siblings in regional New South Wales.

Since he received his V6 all terrain at the age of four, Beau’s confidence has never stopped growing.

His mum Samantha recalls, “It was brilliant to see him be able to be independent for the first time. He was initially cautious of the speed, which I now miss as he hoons around and is very confident.”

The V6 All Terrain was an ideal choice for Beau, as his family enjoy a very rural lifestyle and having his V6 AT allows Beau to always be in the thick of it:

“He is able to get to and around school, he can get around town when we go for walks or just to the shop for milk and an ice cream.  He can go and get the horses with us and lead them back. He can take off and go where he wants without needing to be pushed or carried.

He loves to hoon around the showgrounds, especially at rodeos and campdrafts and likes to play up for the cowboys.  He enjoys flying through the paddocks beeping his horn trying to muster sheep and chase the pups and his brothers.

Beau Cosgrove helps muster sheep on his Magic Mobility V6 AT

Beau and his V6 AT help to muster the sheep with his siblings.

Samantha sums up the benefits of Beau’s V6 All Terrain in 3 words:

“Life-changing, Independence, Inclusivity”.

And all that life-changing independence and inclusion is more simply reflected in Beau’s 3-word summary: “Big, Fast, Cool!”

You can learn more about Beau here.

David visiting State parks in his Magic Mobility Extreme X8

In the last 3 years, David and his family have visited 22 National Parks and monuments together.

The chance to grow as a family

David is a teenager who lives with his family in Wichita Falls, Texas. When he first got his Magic Mobility Extreme X8 both he and his family gained the freedom to share new experiences, a life-changing opportunity.

His father Stephen recalls, “Our first opportunity to see the capability of the chair was at a state park in Texas. It was the first hike that we were able to do as a family.  The trail was too rough for his regular wheelchair but was not a problem for the Extreme X8.”

After a short jaunt on the hiking trail, we moved onto the rocky beach of the river. The chair had no problem traversing the river rock beach all the way to the river’s edge. Once there, David was able to put his feet in the river and throw the ball for his service dog.

“This really showed us the freedom that the X8 was going to give David – and us – to experience new things together”.

Since then, David’s family has certainly made the most of that freedom.

“We live in an RV and travel when we can. David is home-schooled and has travelled with our family to 12 states and 22 National Parks and monuments in the past three years. Whilst traveling we enjoy sightseeing, kayaking, bike riding, hiking and we especially enjoy time at the ocean.”

And it’s made all the difference to David’s confidence.

“After getting the chair, a whole new world has opened up for David. He can now take a stroll on the beach at his own leisure, he can go on hikes with the whole family, he can hang out with friends and keep up with them”, Stephen says.

Most importantly, his chair allows David to finally get on with being a teenager!

Are you the parent of a child with a disability? If you’re in Australia, why not join us at the Source Kids Expo at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 18-19 June 2022. Click here to register for free entry and visit is at Booth 120. We’d love to chat!


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